4 takeaways from Elon Musk's Don Lemon interview  

San Francisco — Elon Musk and former CNN reporter Don Lemon clashed in a Monday interview on Musk's X social network. Musk terminated Lemon's new talk show on X, formerly Twitter, shortly after the interview was recorded. The two men debated immigration's political effects, content moderation's pros and downsides, and Musk's depression and ketamine use for an hour.

Musk called X the “player versus player platform,” referring to video games that pit players against each other in pixelated death bouts. He didn't explain why he compared X to a death match, but he did it in the context of his late-night posts about spoiling for an argument.

Musk said he relaxes by playing video games and prefers PvP contests, or “hardcore” gaming. He claimed it was one way to unwind, and he agreed with Lemon that playing X opponents did the same. Not always, he said. Musk said he shares jokes, facts, and important things on X.

Depression may be treated with ketamine. Musk informed Lemon of his “almost always” sober late-night X posts. "I don't drink, I don't really, y'know..." he began, stopping. Musk previously acknowledged his use of ketamine, a prohibited chemical used as an anesthetic and for treatment-resistant depression. Lemon then questioned about it.

Musk confirmed he has a ketamine prescription but told Lemon it was “pretty private to ask someone about a medical prescription.” He mentioned “times when I have a sort of a negative chemical state in my brain, like depression, I guess,” and stated ketamine can help “a negative frame of mind.” Musk denied abusing the substance when asked. “If you use too much ketamine, you can't work,” he remarked. I work a lot.”

METING TRUMP Musk claims he randomly met Trump in Florida. He replied, “I thought I was at breakfast at a friend’s place and Donald Trump came by.” “Let's just say he talked most.” The discussion wasn't “groundbreaking or new,” he claimed. He said Trump didn't ask for a gift. “President Trump likes to talk, so he talked,” Musk added. I don't recall him saying anything outside of public.”

Musk has indicated he won't endorse or donate to a presidential contender, but he may later. He stated, "I've been leaning away from Biden," but not toward anyone. I’ve stated that.”

The Great Replacement Theory and Immigration Musk rejected the "great replacement theory," a racist idea that wrongly claims Jews are plotting to reduce white influence in the U.S. However, in his Lemon interview, he claimed, on weak data, that a surge of undocumented immigrants has slanted U.S. elections toward Democrats.

Lemon noted that undocumented immigrants cannot vote and cannot support any party. Musk said such persons are counted in the U.S. Census, boosting the population of states with substantial immigrant populations. Although reapportionment only occurs every a decade, that may theoretically boost the number of congresspeople those states can send to Washington.

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