House Oversight chairman calls Biden for impeachment testimony.

On Thursday, the Republican chairman of the House Oversight subcommittee requested President Joe Biden to testify in its impeachment investigation.

In a letter Thursday, committee chairman Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., suggested Biden appear on April 16 and referenced testimony from former business associates Tony Bobulinski and Jason Galanis at a public hearing last week. 

"In light of the yawning gap between your public statements and the evidence assembled by the Committee, as well as the White House’s obstruction, it is in the best interest of the American people for you to answer questions from Members of Congress directly, and I hereby invite you to do so," he wrote.

The testimony would be crucial for Biden's 2024 opponent, former President Donald Trump. On April 15, Trump's New York criminal trial will begin. According to Comer's letter, President Gerald Ford's 1974 House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Criminal Justice testimony is precedent.

"Comer knows 20+ witnesses have testified that POTUS did nothing wrong," Sams wrote. "Hundreds of thousands of pages of records have disproven his bogus claims, he knows. This is a sad stunt after a dead impeachment. End of day, pal.”

Democratic Oversight panelists said on Thursday that Republicans "couldn’t find an impeachable offense," and that probe material was "comically distorted and twisted."

The White House denies Bobulinski and Galanis' testimony last week that the president participated in plans to benefit Hunter Biden's enterprises. The public faces two incompatible narratives. You claim you did not influence peddle for family payments "Comer wrote Thursday. 

House Republicans have repeatedly criticized Hunter Biden in their impeachment investigation into his father, which has found no criminal activity by the president. The Republican-led probe was hampered last month when former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov, whose claims sparked it, was charged for lying to the FBI about Biden and his son during the 2020 presidential campaign.

In a closed-door deposition with the House Oversight and Judiciary committees last month, Hunter Biden denied involving his father in his business dealings and called the impeachment inquiry a “baseless and destructive political charade” based on “MAGA-motivated conspiracies.”


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