Hunter Biden urges hesitant judge to drop politically driven tax charges. (PART-2)

"The special counsel has gone to extreme lengths to bring charges against Mr. Biden that would not have been filed against anyone else," Lowell said after the files were submitted a month ago. "That is something that would not have been done against anyone else." 

 In order to justify their acts, the prosecutors regularly distorted evidence in court, deviated from legally binding obligations, submitted to unusual charges in response to political pressure, overreached their authority, disregarded the rules, and allowed their agents to run amok.

Immediately following the failure of the plea bargain, federal prosecutors accused Hunter Biden of concocting "a conspiracy theory" in order to avoid paying tax penalties.

According to statements made by prosecutors one month ago, "The defendant concocts a conspiracy theory that the prosecution has 'upped the ante' to appease politicians who have absolutely nothing to do with the prosecution and are not even members of the current Executive Branch."

In addition to the tax charges, Delaware indicted Hunter Biden on federal guns charges for having a pistol while taking narcotics. 

These charges were brought against him in the previous year. The trial for the allegations of gun possession will take place in June.

House Republicans are conducting an inquiry into whether or not the president should be impeached, and Hunter Biden is a significant actor in this investigation.

 In his prepared remarks for a closed-door deposition with the House Oversight and Judiciary committees, which are dominated by the Republican Party, he referred to the inquiry as a "charade."


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