Kennedy Jr. is anticipated to announce his third-party White House VP.

Oakland, Calif. — Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will name his running companion Tuesday as he seeks a spot on the independent presidential ticket.

Kennedy and his aides have leaked the names of several candidates, including celebrities without political experience, ahead of a Tuesday gathering in Oakland. Aaron Rodgers, Mike Rowe, and former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura are examples. Nicole Shanahan, a lawyer and philanthropist who funded Kennedy's Super Bowl ad, has been the subject of recent speculation.

“This announcement is really going to shake up the political establishment,” Kennedy stated in a social media video last week. Democrats are worried about third-party candidates that could win favor with President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump after Kennedy's campaign. The 2020 rematch between Biden and Trump will pit unpopular candidates against each other.

Kennedy struggles to get on the ballot without party support due to state-by-state requirements. He's choosing a running mate because half of states need him to choose one before applying for ballot access.

Kennedy's ballot access effort in Nevada is hampered by Democratic Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar's March 7 letter to independent candidates requiring them to nominate a vice presidential candidate before gathering signatures. The letter arrived days after Kennedy's campaign said he had enough state signatures. Kennedy must start anew in gathering just over 10,000 signatures in the state if Aguilar's opinion survives an anticipated judicial challenge.

This is the epitome of corruption,” said Kennedy campaign lawyer Paul Rossi on Monday, accusing Aguilar of working for the DNC. Utah has granted Kennedy voting rights. He and an associated super PAC, American Values 2024, say they have enough signatures to qualify in swing states Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia, but election officials have not yet approved.

Kennedy's father, a U.S. senator, attorney general, and presidential contender, and uncle, former President John F. Kennedy, are Democrats. He initially challenged Biden as a primary, but last October he switched to independent. Kennedy was an adolescent when his father, Robert F. Kennedy, was killed during his 1968 presidential campaign. As an activist, author, and lawyer for clean water, RFK Jr. gained fame.

His activism has gone into theories and defied science, most notably on vaccines. Family members have publicly opposed his ideas. In a snapshot his sister Kerry Kennedy uploaded on social media, dozens of Kennedy family members posed with President Joe Biden at a White House St. Patrick's Day reception. RFK Jr. is using his longtime fans, many of whom are anti-vaccine and believe the U.S. government is devoted to businesses.

The Democratic National Committee is preparing to challenge Kennedy and other third-party candidates, notably No Labels, a well-funded centrist ticket generator. In charge is seasoned strategist Mary Beth Cahill, who was chief of staff to RFK Jr.'s uncle Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts. Many Democrats blame Green Party candidates for Al Gore's 2000 defeat to Bush and Hillary Clinton's 2016 loss to Trump.

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