Last day of Georgia legislature session, measures pass or die.

Atlanta — The two-year Georgia legislative session concludes Thursday, with bills having to pass both the House and Senate or die. Lawmakers will determine whether to allow sports betting and enhance immigration law enforcement cooperation. Income tax cuts and a bill to relax Georgia's health care facility permitting regulations have passed.

A bill to expand Medicaid to low-income individuals and reform Georgia's film and TV tax incentives are unlikely to pass. After the session finishes, Gov. Brian Kemp has 40 days to sign, veto, or let legislation pass without his signature. Since all 56 Senate seats and 180 House seats are up for grabs this year, many lawmakers will focus on reelection.

SPORTS BETS Senate Bill 386 and Senate Resolution 579 could authorize online sports betting if voters pass a state constitutional amendment in November. IMMIGRATION: House Bill 1105 would oblige local law enforcement to assist federal immigration agents, while House Bill 301 would reduce funding and remove elected leaders of governments that harbor illegal immigrants.

PROPERTY TAXES: House Bill 581 or Senate Bill 349 could limit property value rises, while House Resolution 1022 is a constitutional amendment. House Bill 1019 could raise the state homestead exemption to $10,000. SOCIAL MEDIA: Senate Bill 351 would compel social media companies to gain parental consent before letting under-16s create accounts. It also bans social media on school computers and internet and establishes anti-bullying policies.

Judge salary: Senate Bill 479 would set criteria to raise and standardize judge pay and may be accompanied by House Resolution 1042, a constitutional amendment. School policies House Bill 1104 would prohibit transgender females from playing high school sports with other girls, ban sex education in fifth grade and below, and force school libraries to notify parents of every item a child borrows.

Elections: House Bill 976 would establish new standards for disputing voter qualifications, while House Bill 974 would mandate multiple statewide election audits and release ballot images. Senate Bill 189 would compel ballot scanners to count votes by text or computer-printed mark, not barcode. House Bill 1207 limits voting machines.

Senate Bill 132 would halt mine expansion licenses near the Okefenokee Swamp for three years. LIBRARIES: Senate Bill 390 would prohibit public funding for American Library Association dues or programs.

Religious liberty: Senate Bill 180 supporters argue it protects religious liberty, while opponents say it allows LGBTQ+ discrimination in the name of religion. House Bill 1180 would demand additional Georgia-based employees and contractors for the highest 30% film income tax credit.

WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS: Senate Bill 429 would establish a commission that might propose paying at least $60,000 per year to exonerated prisoners.

PASSED Income taxes: House Bill 1015 would accelerate a scheduled state income tax drop to 5.39% retroactive to Jan. 1. CASH BAIL: Senate Bill 63 would demand cash bail for 30 more crimes, including some misdemeanors, and regulate nonprofit bail funds.

Senate Bill 362 prohibits state-subsidized companies from recognizing labor unions without a secret ballot election. Some health care facility expansions would be allowed without state permits under House Bill 1339.

Foreign-owned farmland: Senate Bill 420 would prohibit Chinese, Cuban, Iranian, North Korean, and Russian agents from owning property in Georgia or within 10 miles (16 kilometers) of a military base. House Bill 1172 would change Georgia's canal boating, fishing, and hunting laws. People think it balances public use and private property rights. LAWSUIT LIMITS: Senate Bill 426 would restrict truck accident lawsuits against insurance companies.

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