New Hampshire 2nd Congressional District candidate Van Ostern seeks Democratic nomination.

CONCORD, New Hampshire On Thursday, a Democrat who ran the initial campaign of United States Representative Annie Kuster revealed his intention to run for the seat she currently holds in New Hampshire's 2nd District.

Colin Van Ostern, a former member of the Executive Council, announced on Thursday that he is running for office with the intention of "making our government work for everyday people and middle class families again."

While big interests are manipulating the system for their own benefit, extreme fanatics are trying to pull us apart, and we are all weary by their efforts. According to a statement that he issued, "But we are able to and we are required to fix this, and the way to do it is by putting people first for a change."

Wednesday was the day when Kuster made the announcement that she will not be running for reelection to a seventh term in Washington. 

 There have also been five Republican candidates who have declared their intention to run for the position of representing the district, which encompasses the western part of the state and includes the cities of Concord and Nashua for representation.

Van Ostern, who had previously served on the Executive Council of the governor for two terms, was the Democratic nominee for governor in 2016, however he was ultimately defeated by Chris Sununu, who was the Republican candidate

 During his most recent campaign, which took place in 2018, he attempted to oppose Bill Gardner, who was serving as Secretary of State at the time.

He stated that a national law protecting reproductive rights and reducing the expenses of housing, higher education, health care, and child care would be his top priorities in Washington. He also stated that he would work to implement these laws.

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