Olivia Colman and Jessie Buckley discuss bad language and friendship. (Part-2)

Colman was just flying in and out, and Buckley had an early call the next day. Colman suggested Buckley for Maggie Gyllenhaal's “The Lost Daughter,” a similar predicament. “You owe me!” Colman says in a cockney accent. But in one film, they played the same role in different times. While Colman quarantined, Buckley and Colman shared set for a week without scenes.

I went, ‘Come on, when do you finish? You want to drink what? “I’ll have it ready,” Colman recalls. “We would drink, play guitar, and sing in the sun in the evening. Jessie went, On my way to work

You were brave to play late and go to work.” Buckley smiles when told Colman could be a terrible influence. “Our friends joke that Olivia says, ‘No you can’t go home.’ Your birthday song was about not letting anyone leave the party.”

Colman admits, “I have done awful things,” lowering her head. I locked my front door and hid the key. ‘I don’t know where it’s gone.’ Friends running are in my photos. They run as a door opens.” It may be obvious that Colman and Buckley are not repressed in “Wicked Little Letters.” Colman is 50, Buckley 34, yet they both bring naturalness and levity to tragic and humorous roles.

The biggest benefit of this job is learning something you need to unlearn about yourself. Changing from girl to woman is hard. Buckley thinks there's so much in our environment we think we need to be because it's around us. I learned that you must keep educating, feeding, and loving oneself. You have something more important to say than obeying social norms.”

Buckley says working with people like Colman has opened her eyes to possibilities she never imagined at 15. “And I know that will never stop in my life,” she says. “Too much to unpack!”

“I do love that I didn’t get into any drama school except Bristol, which I got into because someone else dropped out,” Colman says. “I love all the auditions I didn't get to say, ‘Ha! In yo' face.’” I think it ignites your belly.”

Buckley and Colman leave soon after. The pair reconsiders their evening plans as the sun sets over the downtown skyline out the window. “We’ll do a little one,” Colman settles. “Aren't we maturing?” Buckley vigorously shakes her head. “No?” says Colman. “Then I can make you stay out tonight.”

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