President Joe Biden has more campaign funding than Donald Trump, and he'll need it. (Part-2)

Trump will not have to pay for Air Force One use during his reelection campaign. The campaign claims it has reimbursed $4.5 million for political usage of the presidential plane. Mook said staff decisions on how to strategically deploy campaign funds are never as nimble as they want them to be, and spending too much, too fast, or too late in an election year is risky.

Democratic concerns about Biden's early fundraising and campaign activity persisted last fall and summer. The pro-labor union president was unable to raise funds in Hollywood, which has always supported the party's electoral ambitions, due to writers' and actors' guild strikes.

Now, his fundraising operation is less questioned. In addition to raising millions at high-profile events, including $26 million at a Thursday night event with Biden, Obama, and Clinton, the president has often touted his 500,000 new donors as proof of his growing appeal.

Even lukewarm Trump supporters are giving, Democratic Party donors and fundraisers say. “I think people really want to hear what they have to say,” said Hollywood contributor and fundraiser Michael Smith, who hosted a Los Angeles event earlier this year with rocker Lenny Kravitz and another last week in Palm Springs with Jill Biden. “They know this is an investment.”

Trump campaign executives admit that Biden and the Democrats will have more money, but they believe Trump can still conduct an effective campaign because to his media attention.

Our digital online fundraising continues to skyrocket, our major donor investments are climbing, and Democrats are running scared of President Trump’s fundraising prowess,” said Trump campaign communications director Steven Cheung. “We are raising funds and deploying strategic assets to send President Trump back to the White House and carry Republicans over the finish line.”

Trump's inflammatory comments can cut both ways, which Democrats will exploit by running advertisements with their resources. Trump's legal bills from his many court disputes would further drain his finances. Records reveal his political operation spent at least $80 million on legal costs in the past two years.

Trump promises to be a dictator on Day 1, suspend our Constitution, and bring back political violence worse than January 6. How unusual that hundreds of thousands of Republicans in swing states voted for Nikki Haley over him after she dropped out! His MAGA program is so toxic and extremist. Biden campaign spokesperson Lauren Hitt stated. Donald Trump lacks the means or motivation to win back those crucial voters.

Trump may not be able to break through like he did in 2016, when he was a political novelty. Or during the 2020 election, when he was president and a constant presence while locked-down Americans watched TV.

The media landscape and where voters get their news has changed and so assumptions based on Trump’s ability to dominate mainstream media conversations should be questioned,” said Josh Schwerin, a Democratic strategist who worked at Priorities USA, the Democrats’ 2020 presidential super PAC.

He claimed fewer people obtain their news from traditional outlets, making it harder and more expensive to reach them. “Both candidates must do this. The Biden campaign will benefit from financial advantage here.”

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