Republicans who backed Nikki Haley still oppose Trump.

Columbia, SC — One Nikki Haley supporter will unwillingly vote for Joe Biden after her presidential campaign ended. Another Haley primary supporter says he was always a “closet Trump fan” and will vote for Trump again in November.

Before Trump won a third Republican nomination, the former U.N. ambassador's base was too small to confront him. In a tight rematch between Trump and Biden, Haley's voters and funders may split, hurting Trump's general election chances, especially in key regions full of suburban voters who doubt Trump's comeback.

Interviews with Haley's followers suggest they may support Trump, Biden, third-party candidates, or not decide yet. Since abandoning the campaign and encouraging Trump to reach out to all Republicans, Haley has not spoken. She hasn't endorsed Trump and may not.

“She said it's up to him to earn the support of those who supported her, and he's got to earn it,” said Eric Tanenblatt, Haley's Georgia campaign co-chairman and a longtime GOP fundraiser. “I’m not there now. Other significant Haley donors are still waiting for a sign, it seems.

Cedar Falls, Iowa native Glenn Swanson voted for Haley after viewing her campaign. The retired architect indicated he would consider a Trump alternative. Despite his reservations about Trump's four felony indictments and numerous civil cases, he's supporting the 2016 and 2020 candidate again.

“For sure I'm going to vote for Trump,” Swanson stated in an interview. "In a way I was a closet Trump fan all along, but I wanted to see if someone else would emerge to escape the drama.

At that event, database administrator John Wynstra was torn between Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis before caucusing for her. Wynstra said he's tactically supporting Trump and the party's agenda to oppose Biden, but he kept the door open to supporting a third-party candidate like Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

“I will vote against Joe Biden and the Democrats,” Wynstra said this week. If Kennedy were viable and his positions were acceptable, I would consider him. High school teacher Michael Burgess in Haley's home state of South Carolina said he would back Biden and denounce Trump's “Make America Great Again” movement unless Haley or a moderate like Liz Cheney ran alone.

“I will reluctantly vote Biden,” Burgess stated. "We can survive bad policy, but we cannot survive the destruction of the Constitution by a morally bankrupt dictator lover in Trump and his congressional MAGA minions." Tanenblatt, Haley's Georgia campaign co-chairman, became disillusioned with Trump's "inflammatory rhetoric," especially when his supporters attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

He also claims that Trump's resistance to Ukraine military aid is a fundamental policy difference. Tanenblatt has spoken with former Haley supporters considering joining No Labels, the third-party group trying a unity ticket of opposing party presidential and vice-presidential hopefuls.

Most of Haley's donors have hesitated, citing their inability to make judgments and lack of communication from Trump's administration. I think many of us who were involved in Nikki's campaign are recalibrating. Simone Levinson, a Florida-based Haley fundraiser who held events for her in New York and Florida, said this was a calling bigger than us.

These donors could benefit Trump if they support the former president. At the end of February, Trump's campaign and allied groups had $37 million in cash, compared to Democratic coffers of $155 million. Haley concluded last month with $11.5 million, days before she suspended her campaign, demonstrating her future influence. Just over the Republican National Committee's $11.3 million.

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