Avoid Pulses If Your Uric Acid Levels Are High

Those with high uric acid levels or a risk of gout should check their diet, especially pulses. Beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas are pulses. Most pulses are excellent, however some may include higher purines, raising uric acid. If you have high uric acid, avoid or limit these pulses:

Lentils: Lentils are generally considered to have moderate levels of purines. While they are often recommended as part of a healthy diet, individuals with gout or high uric acid levels may need to limit their intake.

Split Peas: Split peas, like lentils, contain moderate levels of purines. While they are a good source of protein and fiber, individuals with gout or hyperuricemia may need to consume them in moderation.

Black Beans: Black beans are higher in purines compared to some other pulses. While they are nutritious and versatile, individuals with gout or high uric acid levels may want to limit their consumption.

Lima Beans: Lima beans, also known as butter beans, are another pulse that is relatively high in purines. People with gout or hyperuricemia may want to avoid or limit their intake of lima beans.

Kidney Beans: Kidney beans are considered to have high levels of purines compared to other pulses. They are commonly associated with gout flares and should be consumed sparingly or avoided by individuals with gout or elevated uric acid levels.

Adzuki Beans: Adzuki beans are a type of small red bean that is relatively high in purines. While they are nutritious and commonly used in Asian cuisine, individuals with gout or hyperuricemia may want to limit their consumption.

Although some pulses have more purines, food and lifestyle are crucial to managing uric acid and preventing gout flares. A balanced diet, hydration, alcohol restriction, and weight management prevent gout episodes. Consult a doctor or nutritionist for uric acid or gout advice.

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