What are some of the various ways that sweet potatoes can be utilized?

Sweet potatoes can be used in many ways and are healthful. Some popular methods:

Scrub and fork-pierce sweet potatoes, then bake until soft. Sprinkle salt and pepper on them or add butter, sour cream, cheese, or cinnamon sugar.

Sweet Potato Fries: Cut sweet potatoes into thin strips, mix with olive oil and salt, then bake or fry until crispy. They're healthier than french fries.

Mash Sweet Potatoes: Cook or steam sweet potatoes until tender, then mash with butter, milk, salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Add maple syrup or brown sugar for sweetness.

A crispy pecan or marshmallow topping on mashed sweet potatoes with brown sugar, butter, and spices makes a sweet potato casserole. Bake till bubbling and brown.

Sweet Potato Soup: Blend sweet potatoes, onions, garlic, broth, and seasonings until smooth for a creamy, soothing soup.

Sweet Potato Pie or Bars: Make wonderful pies, bars, and cheesecakes with mashed sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes create natural sweetness and creaminess in baked foods.

Some sweet potato ideas, although there are more! They add nutrition and flavor to sweet and savory foods.


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