Where to Put Your $10,000 Right Now in the Stock Market

The following companies should be your first choice for a $10,000 stock market investment. Today, shares of these two high-quality enterprises are good buys because they create wealth. If you have $10,000 that isn't needed for short-term debt, an emergency fund, or bills, consider investing it in one or both of these excellent stocks.

Microsoft Risk and profit in investing are not always equal. With its cash-rich balance sheet, multiple revenue streams, and stunning profitability, Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) may be one of the safest companies today. Even in recent years, its shareholder returns have been stunning.

Microsoft's lucrative Windows operating system helped launch the PC revolution. The IT giant is pushing the globe into the AI age thanks to its multibillion-dollar investment in ChatGPT-maker OpenAI.

Microsoft is adding advanced AI to its cloud-based services. Its AI-powered "Copilots" are improving productivity for millions of clients. About 70% of Copilot users say AI tools improve their job and productivity.

Microsoft Azure cloud computing demand is also rising due to AI. Cloud-trained AI models and cloud-delivered apps are common. Microsoft can play a crucial role as an AI enabler. This is already evident. AI solutions drove Azure's 30% revenue growth in the quarter ending Dec. 31.

Investment bank Evercore estimates that AI-related sales could improve Microsoft's annual revenue by over $80 billion and per-share earnings by over $5 by 2028. That would be a big jump for this tech giant. Microsoft earned $228 billion and $11.06 per share in the past year.

Eli Lilly Obesity increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Eli Lilly (NYSE: LLY) wants to help individuals lose weight and live healthier while making investors rich.

Anti-obesity medications might reach $100 billion by the end of the decade, according to Goldman Sachs. Eli Lilly's Zepbound should sell well in this fast-growing healthcare area. A weekly injection of Zepbound suppresses hunger to help adults lose weight. High-dose Zepbound users lost 48 pounds on average in a 72-week research trial.

Participants who took the medication and ate and exercised showed improved blood pressure and cholesterol. Tirzepatide, Zepbound's primary component, lowers type 2 diabetes patients' blood sugar.

Zepbound sales may boost Eli Lilly's profitability due to these potential benefits. Per-share profits at the healthcare behemoth are expected to increase 45% annually over the next five years. Buy shares today to profit from Eli Lilly's new anti-obesity treatment's likely blockbuster success.

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