Why You're Not Losing Weight

If your weight loss regimen isn't working, investigate these things.

A common misconception is that consuming fewer calories than you expend is the key to a healthy weight. The rate of weight loss, however, is dependent on a number of additional variables. When it comes to dieting and exercise, there are a lot of potential pitfalls.

Factors that influence one's weight include hormones, metabolic rate, stress levels, and the frequency and duration of sleep. Here are some things to think about if you're on a diet for weight loss but aren't seeing any progress.

Protein helps regulate weight. Satiety and prolonged satiety are promoted. Muscle repair and metabolism require protein. According to the dietician, protein consumption boosts daily calorie burn by 80–100. So eat lentils, chickpeas, tofu, eggs, and quinoa for protein.

Many cut calories severely to lose weight. Long-term low-calorie diets can lower metabolism by 23%, according to research. Therefore, use accurate calculators and adjust calories.

Hormones affect weight various ways. "1 in 8 women develop a thyroid disorder during her life, often leading to weight gain or difficulty losing weight," the expert said. See a doctor about your hormones if you're having trouble losing weight.

Sleep deprivation causes weight growth. Sleep impacts metabolism and hunger hormones. For weight loss, get 7-9 hours of great sleep each night.

Uncontrolled tension is worse than you believe. "High levels of the stress hormone cortisol have been linked to increased belly fat," Batra said. Practice yoga, meditation, or deep breathing to reduce stress.

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